The Roomba 695 pictured alongside a smartphone showing Roomba's mobile app interface.

Roomba 695 Review – A Reliable Robot Vacuum on a Budget

It is no secret that even budget-friendly Roomba models are lack-luster in their feature offerings. In order to save you money, the robots are stripped of the more expensive items. The Roomba 600 series continues to drop in price, making it more attractive to first-time robot vacuum owners.

The Roomba 695, though, offers the iRobot name and reliability and a host of features not often found on low and mid-tier robots. Is the Roomba 695 right for you? This article will examine the 695 in detail to find out.

Who the Roomba 695 is Best Suited For

The Roomba 600 series is aimed at a specific audience, namely those that are first-time buyers or on a tight budget. The Roomba 695, though, has a little extra to offer.

If you want a wireless connected robot so you can control it with mobile apps and voice commands, the 695 is a great option. All while keeping the cost down, you get the same cleaning benefits that come with a Roomba machine and some added features not found on other 600 series robots.

The 695 is better suited for smaller homes, apartments, or those with more open floor spaces. If you have a large floor plan or a lot of furniture, you may want to look towards the Roomba 890 or even the 900 series.

It should be noted here that those looking to reduce allergens in the home with the use of HEPA filtration will not find the 695 a suitable option. However, if your standard upright vacuum has a HEPA filter, it shouldn’t matter much if the robot does or not.

Detailing the Roomba 695

Let’s take a closer look at what the Roomba 695 can and cannot do. This section should give you a much better idea of how well the 695 will work in your home.

3-Stage Cleaning Picks Up More Dirt

Roomba vacuums use a 3-stage cleaning process that sweeps, gathers and collects the dirt, dust and debris from your floors.

The side brush is the first stage in the process. As the robot runs around your hard flooring surfaces, the side brush spins to gather dirt and debris from along the baseboards, in corners and just out of the reach of the 695.

The weeping pushes the dirt to the center of the robot where the brush rolls can collect it. Starting the second stage, the brush rolls also agitate the carpet to loosen and lift debris from carpeting. The gathering of all the contaminants is then lifted by the brush rolls into the suction chamber where the third stage takes place.

The final stage is the collection of the debris, where the motor produces up to 900pa of suction power to gather the dirt and deposit it into the collection bin.

This three-step process ensures your floors get as clean as possible in as few passes as can be achieved. I should note though that the power of the side brush can often lead to lighter debris being tossed around. It will eventually be collected as the 695 runs around the floors, but on initial view, it looks as though the robot is making more of a mess than it is cleaning.

The Control Options Extend Past Local Controls

One of the biggest inclusions is the ability of the 695 to use wireless networks for communication. This allows you the opportunity to choose how to control your robot. You can still use the local controls or opt for the iRobot Home app or even voice commands through Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant devices.

The app is highly intuitive and includes a ton of new features. However, the limits of the 600 series robots mean you won’t be able to use everything it has to offer.

What you will be able to do, though, is schedule cleaning times for any point in the future, even multiple ones per day if needed.

You will also be able to see the status of the robot (charging, cleaning or idle) and the charge remaining on the battery. There are also command options that allow you to start, stop, pause and resume cleaning, as well as return the robot to the charging station.

The mobile app is a free download from your Android or iOS app store, or you can find the links on the iRobot website.

The Voice Commands Work Well, Also

Using Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant devices, you can use your voice to control your robot. There are several commands for each system that will allow you to do basic controls such as starting, stopping and scheduling cleaning cycles.

Some of the more advanced options are for the newer i-series and s-series robots, but the main control options and status commands are available for the 695 as well.

You can add the Alexa Skills or Google Commands through Amazon or asking your Google Assistant to install them.

The Battery and Filtration Leave a lot on the Plate

One thing the 600 series got a lot of complaints about was the battery life and filtration. The 695 still uses the same 1800mAh battery pack and AreoVac standard filter. Both are a little lacking in the surplus department.

The battery will power the robot for about an hour. In most situations, you will find that an average runtime of 50 minutes or less is not uncommon. When the battery charge falls below 15%, the Roomba 695 will stop cleaning and return to the Home Base charging station.

The battery will need about three hours to charge fully. When the charge is complete, you will have to restart the cleaning cycle manually. Assuming the cleaning cycle didn’t get the entire home, you will have to use scheduling to make sure the entire floor space gets covered.

If you are a follower of these articles, then you know that I have outlined the best method to get your entire floors clean. Basically, if you ignore where the robot has been and has not yet been, you can expect your floors to be cleaned two or three times a week if you schedule a daily cleaning.

While this may sound counterproductive, the pseudo-random cleaning patterns just won’t cover every square inch every time. However, because the robot will never take the same path twice, your floors will get completely covered every 2 to 3 cycles.

The Filter Does Its Job But Could Do So Much More

The micro-particle filter that is used will capture particles in the air and carpet down to 10 microns in size.

If you have allergies, then you now that most allergens, such as dust mites, pet dander, spores and pollen all weigh in at about 3 to 5 microns.

The AeroVac system uses a standard filter that does its job of keeping the motor area clean of debris and prevents the larger particles from reentering your home.

However, if you need more allergen protection, you will need to look to the 800 or 900 series or newer robots. The 695 doesn’t have a HEPA quality filter like the later models do. However, if this isn’t a concern for you, or you have a HEPA filter on your larger, more powerful upright, then this issue shouldn’t matter much to you in the long run.

So Many 600 Models, What Is The Difference?

When doing your research, you may have noticed that the Roomba 690 and Roomba 695 are seemingly identical. The truth of the matter is that they are.

This is also true for other 600 series models such as the 650, 652, 614, 685, etc. So what gives? How are you to know which one to buy when there are so many that seem to be the same?

Basically, what you want to do when looking at the model number is to ignore the last digit. The first number is the series, in this case, a 6, for the 600 series. The second number is the model issue number, 9, here means it is the final release for this series. The next model up will be a 700 series model.

The final number used to always be zero (with a few minor exceptions). Instead of changing the final number, iRobot would add a letter to the end. (You may have seen a 690c in your research).

A few years ago, iRobot did away (again, for the most part) with the letters appended to the end and decided to change the final number. What this means is that the Roomba 690 and Roomba 695 are sold in different places.

Exclusive rights in stores such as Costco, Sam’s Club, etc. demanded a different model number. This prevented them from having to compete with coupons and sales from other retailers.

Most of the time, the odd numbered units were exclusive to a few stores, while the zero model number was sold through iRobot, and in all other venues.

The machines themselves are the same. Sometimes the colors would change, or there would be more (or less) accessories included in the purchase price. However, for what you are concerned with, the robots and their internal parts are all the same as long as the first two numbers in the model number match.

So How Does the Roomba 695 Differ From the 690?

The most noticeable difference between the two models is the color. The 690 is silver and black while the 695 is white and black.

Other than that, the only difference is in the accessories included with the purchase. The Roomba 695 comes with two virtual wall barriers instead of one and does not have the flat cleaning tool that comes with the 690.

Finally, the last difference is where they were originally sold. The 690 was sold through iRobot’s website, on Amazon and in most major retailers. The Roomba 695, however, was originally only sold through Costco and Canadian Tire.

Now, you can find the 690 on approved vendor sites like Amazon and Target. The 695 can be found on those sites as well.

Specifications Chart

Let’s take a look at all of the features available with the Roomba 695.

 Roomba 695
Dimensions13x13x3.6 inches
Weight7.72 pounds
Battery1800mAh lithium-ion
RuntimeUp to 60 minutes
Charge Time2 hours
Automatic RechargeYes
Automatic ResumeNo
FilterAeroVac Standard Filter
MappingSensor based
Collection Bin Capacity0.3L
Wireless CommunicationsYes
Mobile AppYes
Remote ControlNo
Voice CommandsYes
Local ControlsYes
Extraction MethodDual, multi-surface brushes
Side Brushes1
Drop SensorsYes
Bump SensorsYes
Dirt Detection SensorsYes
Floor TypesAll
Containment2x Virtual Wall Barrier
Warranty1 year
PriceCheck on

Alternative Options

Want to know what else compares? Have a look at these options that are worth considering.

Roomba 890

Check out our dedicated review of the Roomba 890.

The 800 series is capped off with the Roomba 890. This model has almost everything you could need. While it doesn’t use camera-based navigation (released in the 900 series), it does have the second generation filtration, navigation and guidance system.

You will have a HEPA quality filter, wireless communications and full control over the robot. You also get a larger collection bin, better cleaning power (up to 5x the power of the 600 series), and much better battery life.

> See what owners say about the Roomba 890 on Amazon <

Roomba e5

You can learn more about the e5 in our Roomba e5 review.

The latest version of iRobot’s entry-level robots removes the camera and not much else from the i-series to bring you the Roomba e5. While it will cost you more than the 695, you get a lot more as well. There are more features available through voice controls and the mobile app.

You also get the largest collection bin made for Roomba (and it is washable!). Plus the navigation system has an even more advanced upgrade over the 800 series.

> See what owners say about the Roomba e5 on Amazon <

Eufy RoboVac 11 Plus

Eufy has a contender in the mid-tier range robots. The 11 plus is a decent clean on most types of floors and boasts a long battery life. It also comes with a HEPA filter for those that suffer in-home allergies.

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The Roomba 695 does better on carpet, but the Eufy model comes with Power Boost, a feature designed to tackle heavily soiled areas.

> See what owners say about the Eufy 11+ on Amazon <

Frequently Asked Questions

Allow me a moment to answer a few of the more common questions surrounding the Roomba 695. If you have others, please feel free to use the comment section below.

Q. What kind of warranty comes with the Roomba 695?

A. With the purchase of a new Roomba 695, you will get a 12-month limited warranty on the robot and the battery.

While the warranty won’t cover neglect, it will cover craftsmanship, defects and unexpected errors. You can get the full details on the iRobot warranty page.

Q. Does the Roomba 695 have containment options?

A. The 695 comes with two virtual wall barriers. These little battery operated towers prevent the robot from passing using infrared beams. You can choose linear mode to block off doorways or specific areas of a room (in front of the Christmas tree, for example).

In halo mode, the infrared light is pushed out in a 4-foot diameter circle, perfect for protecting plants, floor lamps and Fido’s food bowl.

Q. Where can I buy the Roomba 695?

A. Currently, the best option for purchase is through Target.

In Conclusion

The Roomba 695 is an all-around model designed to take on most flooring options and sizes. It is better suited for mainly hard flooring with some low or medium pile carpeting, and it does better in homes less than 1000 square feet.

While you will have to do regular maintenance and keep the collection bin empty, the cost-effectiveness and cleaning ability will balance that out.

If you want an inexpensive robot with a mobile app and voice commands, the Roomba 695 could be the perfect fit for you.

In a Nutshell

The Roomba 695 is no longer an exclusive item for specific resellers. As the price continues to drop, the value of the robot increases. All-around decent cleaning for smaller homes or apartments.

What I Like

  • The mobile app makes the case for this cost-effective robot.
  • Handles hard flooring exceptionally well.
  • Maintenance routines take mere minutes.

What I Don’t Like

  • 3L collection bin should be larger.
  • The battery is too small for a wireless communicating robot.
  • No HEPA quality filtration.

> Check out the Roomba 695 at <

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