how to save money on Roombas this Black Friday

The Best Roomba Black Friday Deals

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

Update: Black Friday 2022 has concluded, check back next year for more deals!

Roomba Deals for Black Friday 2022

Black Friday is already here, and there are a ton of deals for Roombas and other robot vacuums.

We review robotic vacuums year round, so we know which ones are worth buying at full price, and which ones you should stay away from even if there is a discount.

Here you will find great deals on RECOMMENDED Roombas to get this Black Friday, broken down by model, then by retailer.

Roomba 694 Black Friday Deals

Roomba 694 product image

The Roomba 694 is the most basic of the entry level Roombas. It has counter spinning dual brushless rollers, which means easy maintenance and a deeper clean on carpet than other brands of robot vacuums. It doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles, but it does have WiFi connectivity and app control. The main downside is that it navigates in a random pattern, which means cleaning is not as efficient.

  • The Roomba 694
  • The Roomba 675  See at Target. (The 675 is very similar to the 694).

Roomba i3+ Black Friday Deals

The Roomba i3 has dual brushless rollers, WiFi connectivity, and smart navigation. This means it is able to clean floors efficiently, in a logical pattern like a human would. It is also compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant for voice control.

The i3+ comes with an self-emptying bin that will automatically empty the robot’s dirt bin when it is full. This takes all the hassle out of emptying the dust bin.

There are many deals on both the i3 and the i3+ this year:

  • The Roomba i3 EVO 
  • The Roomba i3+ EVO
  • The Roomba i3 EVO on Walmart.
  • The Roomba i3+ EVO on Walmart.
  • Roomba i3 EVO at Target.
  • Roomba i3+ EVO at Target.
  • Roomba i3 EVO at Best Buy.
  • Roomba i3+ EV Oat Best Buy.
  • Roomba i3+ EVO at Kohl’s.

Roomba i7+ Black Friday Deals

The Roomba i7 has smart navigation and dual brushless rollers. It also has select room cleaning, which lets you tell the Roomba exactly which rooms to clean, saving time from unnecessarily vacuuming rooms that don’t need to be cleaned. The Roomba i7 works with smart assistants, so you can say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to clean the living room”. It also has keep out zones, which will let you designate areas you don’t want the Roomba to roam.

The Roomba i7+ is a SKU that comes with a self-emptying dock.

There aren’t too many i7 deals this year, the only one I was able to find is shown below:

Roomba j7+ Black Friday Deals

Roomba j7+ product image

The Roomba j7 is very similar to the i7, with the addition of obstacle recognition and avoidance. This means if your pet accidentally leaves a “mess” on the floor, it will recognize and avoid the mess so it’s not spread over the entire house.

Other features of the j7 include select room cleaning, keep out zones, smart navigation, and smart assistant connectivity.

The Roomba j7+ is a version of the j7 that comes with the self-emptying dock.

There are many deals on the j7 and j7+ this year at all major retailers:

Roomba s9+ Black Friday Deals

The Roomba s9 is the Rolls Royce of Roombas. It has smart navigation, obstacle recognition and avoidance, select room cleaning, keep out zones, dirt detect technology, and Alexa/Google assistant compatibility. The biggest advantage the s9 has over other Roombas is its ability to clean corners exceptionally well. This is thanks to its super wide dual rollers and D-shape, both of which allow it to reach deep into square corners.

There are a few deals on the s9+ this year:

Roomba Deals by Retailer


The Roomba i3 EVO on Walmart.

The Roomba i3+ EVO on Walmart.

The Roomba j7 is on Walmart. 

The Roomba j7+ is on Walmart. 

The Roomba s9+ is on Walmart.


Roomba 675. See deal on Target.

Roomba i3 EVO. See deal on Target.

Roomba i3+ EVO. See deal on Target.

Roomba j7. See deal on Target.

Roomba j7+. See deal on Target.

Roomba i6+. See deal on Target.

Roomba Combo j7+. See deal on Target.

Best Buy

Roomba 694. See deal at Best Buy.

Roomba i3 EVO. See deal at Best Buy.

Roomba i3+ EVO. See deal at Best Buy.

Roomba i7+. See deal at Best Buy.

Roomba j7. See deal at Best Buy.

Roomba j7+. See deal at Best Buy.

Roomba Combo j7+. See deal at Best Buy.


Roomba i1. See deal at Kohl’s.

Roomba i3+ EVO. See deal at Kohl’s.


When is Black Friday 2022?

Black Friday falls on November 25 this year.


Which Roomba do you recommend?

If you don’t know which one to pick, we recommend the iRobot Roomba j7+. This model has obstacle avoidance and is auto-emptying, meaning that it can run for weeks without you having to empty the bin. Plus, it works with Alexa and Google Assistant so you can control your Roomba hands-free.


Which Black Friday Roomba deal do you recommend?

Black Friday is here, but what are the best deals to grab this year?

Last year we saw some pretty good discounts on Roomba and other robotic vacuums on Amazon and other stores. Chances are this year we will see deals just as good if not better.

With the Roomba s9 and s9+ at such high MSRPs, iRobot will need to discount these models somewhat to improve sales. 

The Roomba i3+ EVO and Roomba j7+ are the two deals I recommend. Both are at their lowest prices ever, and both are excellent vacuums. Go with either one, depending on your house size and budget.


Why Get a Roomba during Black Friday?

Over the past few years, we have seen some amazing deals on Roombas on Black Friday.

Robotic vacuums are an expensive investment. You spend your hard earned money to hopefully save time in the future, time you would’ve spent hand-vacuuming your house. With a robotic vacuum, most people dramatically reduce the frequency with which they have to vacuum. Yes, manual cleaning is still required from time to time, as robot vacuums are not as powerful as full sized vacuums. But the frequency is greatly decreased.

With so many robotic vacuums to choose from, there’s bound to be some winners and some duds. This page will guide you to the best deals on which ones to get. I will note if a discount is for a vacuum that you probably shouldn’t get even at a discount.

Some robotic vacuums are worth full price, and others should be avoided even at a discount.

We review Roombas day in and day out, so we know which models to recommend and what counts as a good price drop.

Click here for all the robot vacuum deals on Amazon today.

in stock
2 new from $289.99
35 used from $130.93
as of March 4, 2025 9:53 am
in stock
8 used from $142.60
as of March 4, 2025 9:53 am
in stock
10 new from $406.00
25 used from $170.78
as of March 4, 2025 9:53 am
in stock
1 used from $439.99
as of March 4, 2025 9:53 am
in stock
7 used from $174.62
as of March 4, 2025 9:53 am
in stock
4 used from $579.00
as of March 4, 2025 9:53 am
in stock
16 new from $454.72
29 used from $315.00
as of March 4, 2025 9:53 am
Last updated on March 4, 2025 9:53 am

8 thoughts on “The Best Roomba Black Friday Deals”

    1. Hi Kay,

      I am not familiar with that particular brand of flooring. But most robotic vacuums have no problems cleaning wood flooring, carpet, tile, vinyl, and most common floor surfaces. If you can use a regular vacuum on your floor, the Roomba and most other robot vacuums should have no trouble with it.

  1. I am not seeing any Roomba 800 series models on sale during Black Friday except for Best Buy. Do you think this will be a possibility at other stores? Any guesses as to why the 800 series is not on sale as much as the 900?

    1. Hi Lisa,

      I was wondering the same thing myself. I thought for sure that the 800 series would be on sale come Black Friday, but so far, nothing. Most stores’ BF ads have been sent out already so perhaps we’ll have to wait for Cyber Monday rumors. We will keep an eye out and update this page every day until Cyber Monday is over.

  2. Thank you so much for these reviews- invaluable for someone like me! I’m hoping to pick up a Black Friday bargain and have two questions. (1) I’m leaning towards the 890 because I have long hair and a multi-room apartment but intend to set the roomba to run while I’m out. Should I be concerned about the lack of WiFi? What am I losing without WiFi? (2) I have a friend who raves about her Alexa connected evovacs deebot N79S which is currently at a great price! Do you know anything about this model? It seems too good to be true! Any help is appreciated! Thanks again!

    1. Hi Jessie,

      Without wifi, you lose out on the ability to change the settings and schedule cleanings on the Roomba. You will still be able to manually start the Roomba by pressing the physical “Clean” button, and a lot of users find that perfectly acceptable.

      We have heard of the N79S but have not yet reviewed it.

      Hope that helped a little, and thank you for your kind words.

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