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The Best Roborock Deals in July 2022

updated: 07/24/2022

Roborock makes some of the best robot vacuums on the market.

Most owners report that their Roborock is the best robot vacuum they have ever owned.

As advanced as these vacuums are, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get one. There are a number of affordable models available, and there are some good deals to be had on higher end models as well.

Current Roborock Deals



Background Information on Roborock Vacuums

Roborock S7

The Roborock S7 is one of the most advanced robot vacuums on the market. It has a number of features that set it apart from other models, including:

  • a powerful suction motor rated at 2500PA
  • an onboard electronic water dispensing system to keep the mopping pad at the optimal moisture level
  • the ability to detect carpet and switch to vacuum only mode
  • vibration mopping for an improved clean over previous Roborock models

If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line robot vacuum, the Roborock S7 is a great option. It’s packed with features that will make cleaning your home easier than ever.

Roborock S6

The Roborock S6 is a not as advanced as the S7, but it’s still a great vacuum. Some of its feature include:

  • LIDAR navigation to map your house
  • ability to clean just the specified rooms
  • vacuum and mop onboard
  • suction rated at 2000PA
  • onboard gravity based water tank to keep the mopping pad moist

Roborock S5

The Roborock S5 is one of the more affordable models in the Roborock lineup. It uses the same LIDAR navigation as the more expensive models, but it doesn’t have as many bells and whistles such as the S7’s VibraRise mopping system.

It does have the ability to accurately map your house and vacuum and mop it in one go. The auto top-up system allows it to clean the entire floor, no matter how large it is. And the abitilty to select exactly which rooms you want to be cleaned is a big plus.

If you’re looking for a great robot vacuum but don’t want to spend a lot of money, the Roborock S5 is a good option.



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